Thursday, February 13, 2014

Apple victory or triumph Android? History Themer

Hobby has long managed to migrate from the category of “temporary fad” into a fully fledged part of his life. This is primarily journalistic activities, endeared Android and respect for other operating systems. Secondly, the study of dance, called a love of music and art in general.

Perhaps each of us, lovers of Android, at least once in their lives had to participate in verbal confrontations hardball with the enemy “apple” camp. The most common and decisive, according to the latter, the argument is a reference to the stability and speed of iOS-devices. Unlike Android, true. However, if you think about it, we can assume that this argument is no more than a justification for their presence in his golden cage. Allegedly, the change in the system, we can not do anything, but it works well. Consequently, it is the ability to personalize the green robot may cause dislike him iDevaysov fans. Recently, this situation is reflected in a larger scale, when Apple decided to fight with one of the representatives of Google Play.


That the search giant’s app store is rife with lots of personalization is not a secret for anyone. To similar and include all sorts of Comedy , and widgets, various lock screens and more. Rightful place in this list, and managed to take Themer, which stands out against the competition. The main reason for this was an opportunity to change the interface of your device in one click. Something similar can be found on Nokia phones in the “Topics”.

To create the application developers approached seriously, because, in addition to the stable functioning, Themer and could also boast a decent amount of quality pre-installed themes. Here, for example, some of them.

Looks good, does not it? Whatever it was, ironically, high level of performance not only helped the application win fame among users, but also to find adventure.

One of these topics have managed to attract the attention of staff Apple, which is known to be incredibly eager to include issues of authenticity and interface design .

The bone of contention was the design called «Seven». To predict the course of future developments, not necessarily within a few years painfully learn English with a native speaker: «Seven» translated as “Seven.” As you probably already guessed, the theme of the same name can not be anything other than a likeness iOS 7.

The similarity was so impressive that Apple’s lawyers have done everything possible to eliminate Themer from outside Google Play. Repeat this was not difficult, and on February 2 development team MyColorScreen been notified about the removal of the application.

Contents of the letter alerts hardly a pleasant one. In black and white it was written that in the case of repetition of such a situation, Google has the right to liquidate the developer account and withdraw a certain portion of the proceeds.

However, the creators decided not to look for trouble, quickly removing the problematic theme, and the application, in turn, was successfully returned to Google Play.

For whom victory?

Moral of this story is not a problem of copyright infringement and subtleties of design products Apple. All hidden away much deeper. This situation, as strange as it may sound, once again demonstrated the power of the Android operating system and the benefits of open source. With proper desire and necessary skills on the green robot is possible to recreate any interface. It’s still not iOS with its lack of desktops and widgets .

Incidentally, Themer still remained theme Tiled, which is a copy of the Metro UI of Windows Phone. Next move for Microsoft?

Apple victory or triumph Android? History Themer

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