Thursday, February 6, 2014

Apple prepares to launch TV service?

Online Services Apple, such as iTunes, iCloud and Mac App Store, characterized by stability of their work, but there are times when the company’s servers do not stand still and lean from the rapid influx of users – for example, a few minutes after the release of a new version of iOS . Recently publishing The Wall Street Journal has learned that in Cupertino seem to intend to insure against such failures: Apple is going to invest a large amount of money in the online infrastructure.

It is about creating their own content delivery network (CDN) – presently Corporation instructs the task to third parties. Using personal CDN allow Apple to optimize content distribution to your users and increase the download speed of various media, including video.

Experts believe that Apple has decided to go for an upgrade of its Internet capacity in anticipation of the launch of the new service, and not to improve the performance of existing online products. According to them, so drastic changes are indicative of active development of television service, which can be represented with the iTV.

Nevertheless, the advantage is obvious and self-CDN services to current Apple. For example, the owner of the iPhone, which is a customer of the mobile operator Sprint, will be able to download a song from the iTunes Store is much faster if the network Sprint forward it directly to the data center Apple, where the composition is stored. The company now performs these actions through several intermediaries.

And as for watching videos in good quality need decent speed content delivery, analysts’ opinions are quite right to exist. In addition, last year Apple lured a couple of employees from major television companies – is unlikely to send them to a lab to Joni Quince.

Apple prepares to launch TV service?

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