Friday, February 14, 2014

Android beats iOS, together they win all

February 12 research firm IDC has introduced its latest report on past 2013. It describes the delivery and global market share of smartphones in the last quarter and for the entire past year. The results of the report read resource 9to5Mac, and they can be identified both positive and negative points for Apple and their devices on iOS.

According to the study, the proportion of smartphones on the Android and iOS accounted for 95.7% (91.2% in the last quarter of 2012), and it seems quite offensive. Variety of choice makes our lives brighter, but in smartphones it came down to a choice between an open system from Google and a closed system from Apple. Share of smartphones on Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS and other fresh and not very OS simply insignificant. It is a pity that no one company could not provide a decent product that can compete with the giants.

Of course, we are interested to push the two giants of their heads, but in this case, the victory will be not on our side. Of these 95.7% share of Android smartphones accounted for nearly 80%. For the whole 2013 was sold nearly 800 million Android smartphones and only 153.4 million units on iOS. Certainly, it is a very good indicator for one company against which almost all the global manufacturers of portable devices, but Apple is losing ground. As for the last quarter and for the full year Apple products showed the lowest growth. At that time, as Apple’s sales grew by 6% compared with last year, Android has shown growth of 40%, the difference is very significant.

Apple criticized for the lack of a budget model iPhone and smartphone with a large screen. Although Tim Cook keeps saying that they are not interested market share, recent decisions and leakage still show that it is not. Time will tell – will it help a larger screen and expand the lineup to win back market share from Google.

Android beats iOS, together they win all

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