Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two interesting concept upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC M8

Release of a new flagship smartphone, and not just a smartphone, always causes a lot of noise and discussions on the Internet, especially when approaching the flagships of the leading companies. Now the whole world interested people lurking in anticipation of the two most important Android smartphones of the year – Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC M8. All sorts of leaks, rumors and unconfirmed data a lot, the ground for discussion – what is necessary, therefore, not surprising emergence of multiple concepts of future innovations. Today we look at two very interesting concept which hardly leave you indifferent, well, or at least like.


The first concept phone HTC M8 – student work Pattnera Nicholas (Nikolai Prettner). Nick – a student of interactive media University Raffles Design Institute. In his work he showed his vision of what should be the future smartphone HTC, as well as the vision of the prospective development of future design of smartphones in general.

The concept Nick HTC M8 turned hyperfine and elegant. Too small frame around the display may cause inconvenience to use, but it looks just great! Instead of touch buttons that could be observed in HTC One, here we see on screen controls made according to the latest guideline Google. Controversy over the pros and cons of giving up buttons do not cease until now, but hardly anyone would argue with the fact that it looks much more attractive.

Behind you can see the already familiar concept HTC last year, with a large camera module and dual LED flash. Slipped rumors, and very reliable that H8 on the back cover will be used in biometric fingerprint reader, but Nick did not include it in his concept for the sake of beauty. Maybe it just will not be in the original phone, maybe he will, blending harmoniously into the overall design, look.

Overall, the design invented by Nick looks very fresh and neat, it is difficult to say whether the manufacturers also give priority to the design or be able to find some sort of compromise, in any case, the concept is very interesting, and its creator deserves respect.

Galaxy S5

Concept chief competitor HTC M8 – Samsung Galaxy S5 was created by a group of people, who tried to accommodate all of the most interesting rumors and leaks into one job.

As in the previous concept, the framework between the display and the body are virtually absent. There is also looks very attractive, but the question of usability, and most importantly the capabilities of modern technology is still open.

Recent rumors say that Samsung has finally abandon cheap and not very pleasant in favor of plastic metal. What will happen in the end, no one knows, but in this concept, the creators are not only used the metal, but even went further! The back cover is completely covered in leather, neatly stitched at the edges. Looks such a solution is very specific, so use the phone would have been nice, the big question remains about the practicality of such a decision. Probably, Samsung will not make such a bold step, but the presence of a new flagship Matelli hinted more than once, so wait and hope.

Creating concepts for future smartphones – it’s not so simple, but extremely interesting. It’s nice that there are people who can express their fantasies in public. We can only discuss them, think about some details and, in fact, wait for the smartphone itself. According to the latest Galaxy S5 presentation is scheduled for February 23. In the case of HTC M8, the announcement is scheduled for March.

What can you say about these concepts, what you are expecting from new products? What ideas seem absurd to you, perhaps you would like to add something?

Two interesting concept upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC M8

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