Monday, January 20, 2014

Palette - modular controller

Recently, the electronics distinct trends can be traced all starts to become active wear, athletic and modular. Recently concluded CES exhibition in 2014 only confirmed the data in the world fashion trends IT. Not lagging behind from the big players (such as, for example, Intel ) and mere mortals developers organizing kraudfandingovye Kickstarter campaign. On one of these “small” projects I will tell you today.

Palette – quite an interesting project on Kickstarter that raised the amount in half times greater than the requested ($ 150,000 instead of $ 100,000). The device is a set of buttons, sliders, and switches krutilochek that can be assembled in any order and orientation like designer LEGO. Frankly, this is the first idea of ​​all the “modular” solutions, which, I think, be able to work here and now.

The basic idea is that by using an application which, incidentally, works under Windows, Mac and Linux, all elements you have gathered tie design can be any function. For example, you draw in Photoshop: One Twister hung brush size to another – transparency on the slider – the scale, and the button – turn on / off the layer visibility. And then, when you reduce the music, you can of the same parts to collect myself a little mixer. The beauty is that in the space to organize everything you can as it is convenient for you.

Potential really impressive. And although the pros in their field probably know by heart all the hotkeys, sometimes much more pleasant and convenient to have a warm tube-krutilochku. But opportunities are not limited to use Palette professional activities – can approach the process of assembling a very creative. As an option – to make a simple and intuitive interface for Skype hardvernye his grandmother, if you still have not learned to use it (and even if taught, perhaps because it would be much nicer).

Design elements are available in aluminum and wooden designs. Each of them is equipped with RGB-backlit perimeter, which the user can control their own accord, so that everything should look cool. Basic set includes power module, one button, one Twister and one sladeyr and worth while to $ 99. There are also more expensive ready-made kits and buy more items one can not yet be.

In the future, the developers plan to expand the range of “details” for its designer, adding a custom button, motorized sliders, joysticks, etc. It is also possible to use alternative materials to vary the appearance.

Personally, I like the idea that I can gather myself at hardware interface as it is convenient to me, and not just a particular manufacturer bought me a piece of iron. Besides, I was attracted by the possibility of customization for various needs. Likely to professionals in their field, who need some specific controllers (the same video editing), Palette is not useful. But I imagine quite a photographer who opened his MacBook in a cozy Starbucks’e, pulled out a brown shoulder bag set squares, put them together, and adjusting large square glasses without glasses conveniently winds krutilki degree effects on the pictures he bought cookies to to post it in instagramm. And normal people Palette could be useful in many cases.

Palette - modular controller

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