Wednesday, January 15, 2014

iPhone and iPad cause an increase in crime

Because Apple is a manufacturer of gadgets “premium”, iOS-devices have always been a lure for thieves and intruders. But if for many cities and countries, this problem is almost not relevant, then in New York upward trend in burglaries iPhone and iPad every year receives more frightening character.

According to The Wall Street Journal, citing the press release of the Police Department of New York, in 2013 the number of crimes involving the theft gadgets Apple, increased by 18%. In 2012, this figure stood at 13%, so this is clearly not the city becomes safer for iPhone and iPad.

In 8465 out of 47 000 major thefts were implicated iOS-device, so the last strengthened the title of the most attractive gadgets for thieves. Most crimes occur on public transport, where people are so passionate about their smartphones and tablets that completely lose control over their surroundings. In addition, the peak work pickpockets simplified several times – they can get their hands deftly small phone from his jacket pocket and “dissolve” in the general stream.

First steps to prevent theft of Apple products took another former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who not only held discussions with the police , but also called on ordinary citizens to facilitate the investigation. Often victims quickly reconciled to their loss, and for some reason do not wish to participate in her quest.

One of the main tools of search iPhone or iPad in the case of theft is the “Find iPhone”, which displays the location of the device to within a few tens of meters. Also, do not forget about the ability to set a password, and a new feature in iOS Activation Lock 7 smartphone or tablet can not be activated without the data Apple ID of its owner.

In New York for a long time intensified attackers specializing in stealing iPhone (iPad still steal a lot harder). It got to the point that they have learned to recognize the owners of Apple’s gadgets branded white headphones that comes with Nokias.

In Russia, as a rule, law enforcement agencies prefer not to rely on Find My iPhone and engaged in the search for stolen smartphones traditional methods. It so happens that their work did not turn out to be in vain, however, for the use of modern technologies percentage of detection of such crimes could be much higher.

iPhone and iPad cause an increase in crime

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