Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In the battle for innovation Google three steps ahead


At the weekend we wrote about the interview Walter Isaacson, the author of the biography of Steve Jobs , in which he called Google a more innovative company in comparison to Apple. So says the man is not only well-studied the personality of the founder of Apple, but many investors. Resource Business Insider identified three main reasons why you can consider this view correct, or at least well-founded.

First steps in wearable electronics 


Smart glasses on Google is not a mass product. High cost, quite controversial appearance and a number of technological problems make Google Glass product for the elite, but people who already use them, the testers. However, unlike many other tech giants Google already has its wearable device, and that is remarkable – it’s not the clock. Juniper Research predicts increased supplies wearable electronics to 130 million by 2018, and the cost of these devices will have to make $ 19 million in the same year. This is a huge market of the future, and the first step on it made the search giant.

Another mobile revolution 


There are several things that make us mobile and smart phone – not the main reason. Car giants try to keep up with the times, and help them volunteered by Google. Together with the manufacturer, NVIDIA chips and car giants Honda, Audi, General Motors and Huindai created the Android operating system will introduce their offspring in the vehicle. Of course, we must not forget that Apple began its movement towards motorists first, releasing Siri and preparing to release iOS in the Car, but Google has one significant advantage. While iOS as closed to all but the most Apple, Android was originally created for use in products from different manufacturers, which made the platform so popular. While Apple will only associate with a car phone, Google injects Android, making the vehicle more intelligent. Strategy search giant not only can become more successful, more importantly, it can change all the usual car and not the fact that the same will achieve iOS in the Car.

Internet in everyday things 


We are talking about devices that currently can be called “stupid”, such as a microwave oven or a vacuum cleaner. It’s no secret that Google recently acquired Nest Labs – a company that produces smart thermostats and fire alarms. The deal caused a great resonance for various reasons, but the main point that she can testify – this procession corporation towards smart homes. Soon every device in our daily life can make friends with others that will make it more productive, and our lives easier. This is a future in which Google is ahead of Apple.

Of course, the world of modern technology, in which fighting Google and Apple, are very fickle. Every step of any of these companies can turn the idea of ​​the future, and not all the developments and plans known to us. But based on the data that is now in sight, really, we can conclude that Google is stepping on the road to innovation ahead of Apple.

In the battle for innovation Google three steps ahead

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