Sunday, January 19, 2014

How Apple is going to increase the screen iPhone?

When yesterday at the start of sales of the iPhone in the Chinese mobile operator China Mobile Tim Cook was asked about the likelihood of the “big” smartphone, CEO of Apple, as usual, was evasive and said that the company’s engineers are working on “cool gadgets” that while it is better to keep secret. Nevertheless, recent rumors suggest that Apple, most likely really going to introduce iPhone 6 (or iPhone Air) with a large screen this fall. The only question is how to Cupertino going to implement it.

There are two ways in which Apple can go to achieve this goal. First – to maintain the current screen resolution and just use larger pixels. Such a decision has already been practiced TV manufacturers when, for example, 40 – and 50-inch panels have the same resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Just a 50-inch TV is more pixels.

Perhaps this would be the easiest way for the engineers of the corporation. They can continue to use the display and resolution 1136 x 640 pixels (like the iPhone 5/c/s), and developers do not have to adjust their applications under the new standards. Everyone will be happy. Or not?

If Apple «stretch» ​​iPhone screen from four to five inches, and keep the current resolution, the number of pixels per inch will be reduced from 326 ppi to 260 ppi. Will this fall under the category display Retina?

Apple never specifies what value corresponds ppi Retina, and confined to generalities – say, the number of pixels is enough that the human eye could not distinguish between them on the usual distance. For the iPhone, this distance is ten inches.

Now let’s make a parallel with the iPad . Pixel density display iPad Air is 264 ppi – nearly the same as that of our supposed “big» iPhone 6. In Cupertino argue that this tablet has a display Retina, as usual distance for devices with large screens of 15 inches.

It turns out, Apple can afford to release the iPhone with a larger display and thus to leave habitual users and developers to the screen resolution.

But let us another option. Suppose the company decided to increase the display resolution to 1136 x 640 to 1420 x 800. Of course, this screen will conform Retina. Yes, and the appropriate marketing slogan «iPhone 6 has the highest resolution display than any other iPhone, with the number of pixels by 25% more.” Buyers will again have a quality device, but developers will not thrilled with this idea.

Creators of applications would have to adjust their products under the new permit as happened after the release of the iPhone 5. Apple cares developers and understands that it does not do everything so easy. Whether it will expose them to new torments?

Yes. First, on a larger screen with a resolution like iPhone 5s will be no good: you will not see more content on the screen of your smartphone. Is the case when the size is not so much an advantage as a disadvantage.

Second, Apple is not used to reduce the basic characteristics of the device, if it is, of course, is not about his weight and thickness. Reducing the number of pixels from 326 to 260 will be very evident.

Third, if the company is already cranked developers once that hurt her to do it again? Yet Apple is known for his bold decisions.

So what can be little doubt that the iPhone 6 will receive not only a larger screen, but also a higher resolution. People, of course, will be happy flair and developers will have no choice but to bite her lip hurt and follow the new regulations.

How Apple is going to increase the screen iPhone?

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