Tuesday, November 26, 2013

And 'Japanese SuperComputer the most efficient in the World


Green500, the body that annually ranks the most efficient SuperComputer globally, has updated the rankings to palliate end of 2013, signaling a new “winner”. This is the Tsubame-KFC, SuperComputer Motley designed by Tokyo Institute of Technology.

A Heterogeneous System is slightly different from the classic PC to which we are accustomed, since, in order to optimize the performance / power consumption, is based on different blocks using the CPU, GPU and Co-Processors. Everything seems to work very well because that is the Heterogeneous Systems to dominate the rankings.


The SuperComputer the Tokyo Institute of Technology has allowed a significant leap forward compared to its predecessor, manages to develop GigaFLOPS 4.5 per watt in second place we find the Supercomputer of Cambridge University (3.6 GFLOPS / w) and the third the University of Tsukuba (3.5 GFLOPS / w).

An important milestone has been made possible thanks to a new cooling system that cools oil constantly critical components of the System.

And 'Japanese SuperComputer the most efficient in the World

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