Saturday, October 5, 2013

USA: Apple leader with iPhone, Samsung chases

iPhone 5 Render Based on Leaked Parts

Comes from comScore’s new report on the U.S. smartphone market: Apple is the leader, Samsung chases, the operating system installed is still Android.

Apple continues to shine as a leading producer of smartphones in the U.S.: the iPhone is a success and allowed the house of Cupertino to get 40.7% of the market in the quarter, which runs from May to August 2013. This was revealed in a new report by comScore.

At the end of the three months prior to those taken under consideration now, Apple had a market share of 39.2%, so in the summer you will learn how the company managed to sell more iPhone and earn another 1.5% of the market. It is worth noting that this increase was recorded in the months when the new iPhone 5S and 5C iPhone were not yet available in stores, according to comScore therefore it is likely that the market share of Apple is set to rise in the next quarter.

As for the competition, Samsung in placing second in the standings with a 24.3% share, up by 1, 3% than they did three months ago. HTC and Motorola are set respectively the third and fourth place with 7.4% and 6.9% of the market, but they have both decreased (by 1, 3% and 0.9%). LG closes the top five with 6.7% share, the same percentage had at the end of May.

On the software side, is still to dominate Google with Android, but Apple is continuing to gain market share with iOS. Specifically, 51.6% of smartphones sold between May and August would install Android, while 40.7% iOS. Where the green robot has, however, lost 0.8% share, the mobile operating system with the bitten apple has gained 1.5 percentage points. BlackBerry platform is the third in the standings with 4% of the market (-0.8% compared to the previous three months), Windows Phone is the fourth with 3.2% (+0.2%) and closes Nokia’s Symbian with 0.3% (-0.1%). It follows that the Android-iOS duopoly has reached another record, given that together have 92.3% of the market, but beware of Windows Phone, which is gaining share in the U.S. and that is dramatically growing in Europe.

USA: Apple leader with iPhone, Samsung chases

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