Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The release of the new iPad will hit the expensive tablets competitors


Tablet computers upper price range will feel the negative impact of the release iPad 5 and iPad mini second generation, according to DigiTimes referring to representatives of the supply chain. The fact is that the release of the new Apple tablet will be accompanied by a decrease in the price of the current unit of the company.

Now iPad mini costs $ 329, and an iPad 4 with the display Retina – from $ 499. It is assumed that the new gadgets will cost the same as currently produced models will drop. If this hypothesis is confirmed, analysts argue, they undermine the sale of 10-inch tablets from other manufacturers which cost between $ 399 and 7-inch, which cost from $ 299.

Hardest out 5 iPad 2 and iPad mini will hit families Microsoft Surface tablets 2 because the model Surface Pro 2 costs $ 899, and the Surface 2 – from $ 449, analysts say. Although Redmond claim that satisfied the pre-orders for Surface 2, the demand for them can not be considered strong. 


Sources say that the 10-inch tablet Nokia , announcement is expected in a day with the new iPad – October 22 – will cost about $ 499.

The release of the new iPad will hit the expensive tablets competitors

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