Saturday, October 5, 2013

Samsung smartphone with flexible display

Here the alleged technical specifications of the Samsung smartphone with flexible display.

We recently informed of the intention to Samsung to launch its first device with curved display as early as next week (or at least by the end of the month). Now here comes some confirmations of the alleged technical specifications of the smartphone.

There is talk of a device with hardware components of the medium-high, equipped with:

  • Display 4.7″ with a resolution of 1280x720p

  • Quad-core SoC

  • 2GB of RAM

  • 8-megapixel rear camera

  • Android 4.3

Obviously these rumors are to be taken, as always, with pliers, but it is not unthinkable that the Korean company has opted for a solution of this kind, “recycling” maybe the Exynos in the Galaxy SIII.

What do you think then? What can we expect this time the company? We do not know, but, as always, we will keep you updated about further developments.

Samsung smartphone with flexible display

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