Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Nokia announced Instagram and Flipboard for Windows Phone 8


Along with the announcement of new smartphones Lumia 1520 and 1320 , Nokia said that the Windows Phone will be released in the near future application Instagram and Flipboard. This is an important event for the platform Microsoft, which has not yet been able to attract a large number of developers. However, the interest in Windows Phone gradually starts to grow, as after the failure of BlackBerry is just to say that this system will be the third most popular in the world.


Exit Instagram for Windows Phone platform users waited a very long time. Recall that this service allows you to take photos from your phone, apply filters to them and send to the popular social network. For many users it has become the fastest and easiest way to share with friends photo. As a result, in 2012, Facebook paid for Instagram $ 1 billion , followed by an application that was originally developed for the iPhone, and has appeared on Android. Windows Phone platform users will get it for only a few weeks. “Our goal is that all applicants to use the program Instagram had such an opportunity – said Kevin Sistrom, CEO and co-founder of Instagram. – We hope that in the coming weeks, users of devices running Windows Phone will also be able to start using Instagram to capture and share the best moments of their lives. “


Social news aggregator Flipboard , which also has long been out for Android and iOS, Windows Phone to debut in just a few months. This application allows you to subscribe to news popular resource that is automatically typeset into a kind of magazine pages. In addition to Windows Phone, Flipboard also appear to the operating system Windows 8.1 and will be preinstalled on the first Nokia tablet with Windows RT 8.1 . “We are pleased to present the application Flipboard for a new Nokia Lumia 2520, – said Eric Feng, CTO of Flipboard. – Members Lumia 2520 can now instantly get your favorite news or create your own magazine Flipboard on any available topic. In the coming months we plan to release the Flipboard app for smartphones family Lumia ».

In the Windows Phone Marketplace new programs will be distributed free of charge.

Nokia announced Instagram and Flipboard for Windows Phone 8

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