Saturday, October 5, 2013

In Russia tested an android designed to perform operations on the ISS in space

According to the resource 3DNews, currently at the Research Cosmonauts Training Centre Gagarin pass a practical test of the Russian android SAR-400. It is designed to perform certain types of work on the International Space Station and beyond. This was stated by deputy head of the scientific management center Oleg Gordienko.

It is noted that the performance of work in the open space is always fraught with risk to life because of the risk of damage suit astronaut negligent act or small meteorites. Moreover, this procedure is costly in terms of plant operation. Maybe in the future human presence in space will be optional, but so far it is only the introduction of robots to perform simple, but dangerous to human operations. For example, robots can perform spacecraft docking station or an external inspection for damage and correct them.

SAR-400 – is torsovy anthropomorphic robot. Its main unit for interaction with the surrounding objects are the limbs in the form of hands, allowing him to use tools made for man. Android devoid of similarity intelligence and management is fully charged pilots. It accurately reproduces all the movements of the operator, giving it an image, sound, and even tactile sensations. The creators claim that the robot can be done at a distance and do not require high skills of the operator. It can also be programmed for autonomous execution of routine operations. Robot SAR-400 has 144 kg weight and can operate objects weighing up to 10 kg. Send it to the ISS will be held in the next two years. In the future we plan to use the robot missions to the Moon and Mars.

In Russia tested an android designed to perform operations on the ISS in space

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