Saturday, October 5, 2013

HTC: the first quarter has officially arrived in red

After the pessimistic forecasts of Nomura Securities, published a few days ago, HTC has just officially announced the financials of the skies quarter of 2013. As expected, the Taiwanese manufacturer has experienced a huge decline during the latter period of the year, the first officially in red, marking further the fortunes of a company that only two years ago had anything on weight mobile market.

As reported by the Taiwanese manufacturer, the net loss came in well NT $ 2.97 billion, approximately € 74 million, with revenue of 47.05 billion Taiwan dollars, amounting to € 1.1 billion.

Unfortunately, it is undoubtedly the operating loss to be critical, with well-3:50 billion Taiwanese dollars, about 87 million euro.

Here’s the official chart:

This is obviously due to the sales of One that failed to stem large losses and to get to the expectations of beginning of the year. The arrival of Max One is certainly much anticipated but promises the same volume of sales for the latter.

Perhaps this crisis HTC will never end? What could be the turning point for the Taiwanese manufacturer?

HTC: the first quarter has officially arrived in red

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