Sunday, October 13, 2013

Former Apple CEO advises companies to buy eBay

John Sculley, former head of Apple, advises management of the corporation to use the financial reserves for the acquisition of large and well-known companies, RBC reports. He insists on buying eBay, which is engaged in electronic auctions and is the agent for sales made by the principle “from consumer to consumer.” Scully said that the deal would completely change “the entire landscape of e-commerce.”

The former head of Apple convinced that the company should ignore the demands of investor Carl Aikan repurchase its securities. Earlier it was reported that the billionaire Icahn invested in IT-corporation about $ 2 billion. The investor is actively trying to convince Tim Cook to buy back shares in the amount of $ 150 billion.

Scully says that some competitors may have already bypassed or bypass Apple in terms of bringing products to market, but the manufacturer of the iPhone and iPad has its own concept and the company will not follow in the wake of the general. “Personally, I’m optimistic for the future of Apple. I like all that makes the current Apple. This does not mean that Android is worse, but we have to admit that Apple makes quality products and positive, “- he said.

John Sculley served as Apple CEO for 10 years. It was his submission was fired by the company’s founder Steve Jobs. In 1985, the Board of Directors chose Scully to Steve Jobs and the latter was forced to leave the corporation. In 1993, at the urging of the same board of directors of Apple has left John Sculley.

Not so long ago, Scully admitted that his biggest mistake believes that after 10 years of working in Cupertino, he did not go to Jobs, to ask to return to the leadership of the company. “We should have just said to him:” Steve, let’s look at how to make you come back and headed Apple”. I have not done that, and it’s a terrible mistake on my part. I do not understand why I was not smart enough to do the right thing. And soon, I myself was fired “- summed up Scully.

Former Apple CEO advises companies to buy eBay

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