Monday, July 29, 2013

Stickets - hipster Tetris

Great invention of the Soviet engineer Alexey Pajitnov in the degree of influence on the modern game can be compared, perhaps, with the “pack-menom”: he taught the player to eat enemies, and Tetris first asked a logical note in the entertainment media products – Yes, such that many modern blockbusters can not do without a pair of three riddles. What could we say about the mobile puzzle – they just thousands, and each in its own version of the famous reshapes the original. It is not surprising that in such a beautiful expanse gone unnoticed puzzle Stickets.

Mechanics here is simple – even simpler than directly Tetris. There is a small box of white color – on it you sculpt colored triangles. Place must be so in the same breath converged three squares of the same color – then by lightly pressing the design into thin air. Everything. Pretty simple, is not it? And that’s actually not – for the destruction of blocks of color here do not give points. There are not any no identifying signs of dominance – except the number naleplennyh triangles. As it turned out, that it becomes a measure of success, a measure of victory. The more triangles you will attach, the more open content – for example, new levels, themes or colors. Fully win, as you can see, you can not – sooner or later the field will be filled not separate the fragments and for the next triangle is not found at the place. In such cases, the game sends back to the main menu: bad, try again.

Mechanics is quite simple and, as a consequence, addictive, but Stickets should pay attention not only because of her. In the sub-title is not in vain titled as “hipster Tetris” – is absolutely true. Externally, the game looks as if designed in Apple California: white, smooth background, big beautiful squares; minimalism in everything. Exclusive means of expression – a few colors and a geometric figure. Pours out of the speakers is something indie abstruse, but, in general, very nice – on the atmosphere works well. made against all the rules: fixed (and, frankly, immodest) price deliberate minimalism and mechanics of thirty years ago. People accustomed to the huge number of dies in mobile games, will be slightly shocked by Stickets – something like that users are experiencing Windows, first run down for the MacBook. It is not surprising that the application is not going to the people, but still has a good chance to correct the mistake – buy one of the best and most beautiful puzzles for phones.

Stickets - hipster Tetris

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