Thursday, July 25, 2013

Patents, Apple would take 30 to $ 40 per device to Samsung to close the contest

The Apple-Samsung patent war seems to go through a phase in which the two giants are seeking an agreement to bury the hatchet. However, according to rumors reported by Korean media, the demands of the house of Cupertino would have been considered excessive.

The Korea Times, which often provides juicy rumors, in fact, shows that the conditions laid down by Apple to Samsung for a cross-licensing agreement figurerebbe payment of $ 30 for every smartphone sold and 40 dollars per tablet: request deemed “no any way “by the Korean company, which only considering Galaxy S4 should shell out more than $ 600 million.

The request, according to sources, would be read in a strategic rather than economic: Apple in fact has certainly not problems to make ends meet, but with a similar arrangement probably be able to slow down the inexorable growth of Samsung in the industry.

A further application, according to Florian Mueller of Foss Patents, concerns an agreement of “anti-cloning”, in order to prevent Samsung “copying” of Apple products in the future.

In short, while conflict continues in courts around the world, diplomats are trying to do their job: will the interests of both sides to find a point of convergence?

Patents, Apple would take 30 to $ 40 per device to Samsung to close the contest

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