Monday, July 22, 2013

Murtazin: Buyers smartphones Nokia Lumia cause irreparable damage

Lead Analyst, Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin believes that acquiring mobile devices Nokia, the Finnish company users inflict irreparable damage. About this he wrote in the next issue of “Byuryulek.” According to Murtazin, the purchase of a smartphone Lumia leads to a loss of 14%, and the usual number – to 9%. “You do not bring us money, and take them out of it. Here’s a paradox,”- he added.

This is the conclusion the expert came, a report analyzing the Nokia results for the 2nd quarter of 2013. He referred to the decline in sales of the company in terms of money, reducing the stock of cash, continuing layoffs, which do not bring the desired effect, and retention strategy in sales due to lower prices of phones.

“Despite the fact that Nokia make good use of PR, inflating his weakness into an advantage, the real financial reports show the weakness and lack of sales”, – says Murtazin.

Mobile Research Group analyst added that the biggest shock caused him no quarter results, and the lack of short-term forecasts of top managers regarding further work Nokia.

“The fall of Nokia, unfortunately, continues, and the speed does not slow down, it remains constant”, – concluded Murtazin.

Murtazin: Buyers smartphones Nokia Lumia cause irreparable damage

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