Thursday, July 25, 2013

iOS - the leader in revenue from mobile advertising impressions

Mobile advertising platform Opera Mediaworks published a review of the market for mobile advertising for the II quarter of 2013. According to analysts, iOS remains the leader in revenue from the ads. Apple’s mobile platform generates 49.4% of the total revenue compared to 28% for Android. 43.8% of all mobile ad impressions have to “apple” of the device. However, the dominance of Samsung gadgets on the market Android (58,5% of the market) increased competition.

Category “Sports” has become the most profitable in the second quarter. Despite the fact that the share of this category in the total income from mobile advertising is low and amounts to 6.5% in the second quarter revenue of publishers in this category (MLB, ESPN, etc.) amounted to 22.2%. Meanwhile, the category of “Music, Video & Media” has again received the highest share of hits – 22.4%.

According to the company, three out of every four dollars of mobile transactions occur in the United States. A little less than 50% of all advertising inquiries, also falls on the U.S. market for mobile advertising. The share of the U.S. market in global revenue from mobile advertising is nearly 75%. Russia ranks sixth in the world in the number of requests and advertising impressions, second only to the United States, Great Britain, Indonesia, Italy and India.

“A year ago, when we released our first review of the State of Mobile Advertising, we have seen an unprecedented increase in investment and effectiveness of mobile advertising campaigns on all devices and in all regions. While iOS still holds the leading position, we are seeing the development of new categories, regions and technologies – said Mahi de Silva, CEO of Opera Mediaworks. – Over the past year, total mobile ad impressions on our platform increased by 43%, and by the end of 2013, growth will accelerate.”

Review is based on data platform Opera Mediaworks, which provides a monthly basis more than 60 billion ad impressions to 13,000 mobile websites and applications with monthly coverage of more than 400 million users.

iOS - the leader in revenue from mobile advertising impressions

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