Monday, July 29, 2013

Announcing the first true 8-core processor for smartphones

2013 marked a new round race of mobile processors: Samsung announced its 8-core processor, designed on the concept of big.LITTLE. This approach to the development of the CPU caused a split among the major chip designers, some of whom chose to go his own way. One of these companies was MediaTek, which announced a true eight cores.

Big.LITTLE concept is that the processor is composed of two blocks of four cores in each – Cortex-A7 and Cortex-A15, which are activated separately, depending on the current load and challenges. MediaTek took a different path – the engineers decided to use 8 cores at once microarchitecture Cortex-A7, which can operate simultaneously. The company notes that the key advantages of this approach are advanced features for multitasking and productivity.

Among the uses of MediaTek notes the work with the browser. In particular, the processor is endowed with interesting feature scaling of computing power with the release of a single core to service each tab in a web browser. The manufacturer also promises output processing system for user input on a single core, and the counting of physics in games across multiple cores will speed up these tasks, increasing the frame rate. The abundance of licensed codecs (including H.265), at the level of the hardware’s GPU, will significantly reduce energy costs for video playback.

Declared energy efficiency decoding video to 1080p-H.265, or HEVC, with a reduction in energy consumption by 18% compared with the current quad-core processors. It is said to grant a 20% increase in personnel during the display.

In MediaTek still have not said anything about whether developers will have to specifically adapt their applications to the new configuration, and there was nothing said about the style and performance of GPU. Preliminary benchmark results say that the new chip is about on par with Snapdragon 800.

Information about the date of the official release of the 8-core processor for smartphones and planned devices it is also no.

Announcing the first true 8-core processor for smartphones

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