Saturday, July 20, 2013

5 Applications Android, causing envy among iOS users

We already know that some of our audience members are Android, which regularly zahazhivayut the site and tanks pour hate on the author allows himself unflattering words to the mobile platform Google. Today we shed their soul balm and tell you about the applications that have long been available in Google Play , but no App Store because of restrictions imposed by Apple. Many owners of iOS-gadgets is the envy of what they are, of course, would never admit it.

Tasker ($ 3)

Tasker app will make your “smart” phone even smarter. It allows you to create profiles that automatically perform specific tasks when the situation meets the criteria. To make things clearer, let us explain this a couple of examples. Thus, the application can automatically launch the music player when you plug in headphones to the phone or gadget translates into silent mode as soon as you walk into an office. Profiles can be created countless, and there are even special sites for those who are too lazy to create their own profiles.

It looks like fun for geeks, but if you set it up right, your life will turn into a solid «It just works». If Apple has not made sure that the phone was able to automatically respond to SMS-message when you sleep, you could take care of it yourself. But, unfortunately, you can not.

Astro File Manager (Free)

If you use your iPhone or iPad to generate content, then you already know how it is sometimes difficult to get the resulting file from the application. So you have to cross your fingers in the hope that there is a phone or tablet application that can open the file or something to export.

Although in terms of creating documents Android is not far away, of course, it offers a lot more options for interaction with files. Astro File Manager app gives you access to all files stored in your phone. With this program you can transfer files from internal memory to SD-card and vice versa. About cloud storage, of course, does not even mention the need.

AirDroid (Free)

Thanks AirDroid you do not even have to touch your phone to use it. The application allows you to get remote access to the machine via a web interface. To do this, just log onto the website and scan the QR-code on the page.

Why would you want such a function? For example, if you are too lazy and do not want to reach for the phone to reply to a message, or copy any file to it, you can do it right from your computer. Another reason to envy for the “Yabloko”.

SwiftKey ($ 4)

This third-party application adapts to your writing habits and remembers the words that you type most frequently to give you helpful tips. After a few days you will not necessarily have to hit the right buttons to recruit the right words.

On the advantages of this product before iOS can not even mention: you simply have to note that Apple does not allow to install on the iPhone and the iPad side of the keyboard.

Nova Launcher ($ 4)

Would you like to make your phone look the way? Thanks Nova Launcher, you can set up your Android home screen so that it looks unique and the envy of my friends. The application allows you to change the appearance of application icons, widgets to customize and install a lot of themes available in Google Play . Design iOS home screen of many happy, but sometimes it can become bored. However, unlike the users Android, there’s nothing they can not do it.

Is there hope?

Although there is very little chance that Apple ever let anything in the App Store like Nova Launcher or Astro File Manager, yet it makes sense to hope that some of these applications iOS users can get one. Apple is gradually opening up an API for developers, so it’s possible that one day counterparts SwiftKey and AirDroid may appear on your iPhone or iPad.

According to the materials

5 Applications Android, causing envy among iOS users

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